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Antarctica Expedition
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IMG_2921 Adele is standing by our hotel.  Not too fancy, but the price was right. IMG_2923 El Fin del Mundo - IMG_2961 A Gentoo penguin. IMG_2963 Gentoo penguins tending their nest. IMG_2965 The Lyubov Orlova with penguins. IMG_3012 A Wedell seal.  One of the few non-penguin animals we saw. IMG_3013 An Adelie penguin. IMG_3016 Adelie penguins tending their egg. IMG_3029 The colors of the ice were unbelievable. IMG_3032 Penguins, penguins everywhere.  Oh my but they do stink. IMG_3074 Moving through some ice floes. IMG_3084 Cold beauty. IMG_3098 Moving through the bergs and floes. IMG_3111 An Adele penguin basking in the sun. IMG_3120 Some of these things don't look real. IMG_3129 An Adelie intent on his business. IMG_3137 Bill dressed for the weather.  It was about 25 degrees - very pleasant. IMG_3150 IMG_3162 Penguin love. IMG_3193 More spectacular scenery. IMG_3197 We had beautifully calm weather for the most part. IMG_3214 A small inlet with grounded icebergs. IMG_3215 The Lyubov Orlova. IMG_3217 Penguin trails/toboggan runs. IMG_3224 Closeup of a Gentoo. IMG_3253 The Zodiacs had to dodge between icebergs. IMG_3255 The towering ice makes our Zodiacs look very small. IMG_3271 The water is crystal clear. IMG_3303 Antarctic commuters. IMG_3340 You can see the bottoms of the bergs through the water. IMG_3363 The isn't a reflection, it is the underwater half of the berg. IMG_3391 Our leisure time included a lot of Scrabble games. IMG_3405 We return to Ushuaia.